Walasey Ltd


Website: www.everspin.com

For over 10 years, Everspin has been the leading producer of Magnetoresistive RAM (MRAM) solutions for the world’s most mission-critical memory applications. From the core of the data center to end point devices, our innovative MRAM technology brings high-performance data persistence, endurance and reliability to applications across a broad array of top-tier customers’ products.

Everspin’s Road to Embedded World 2024

It’s that time of the year again – Everspin is heading back to Germany for Embedded World on April 9-11! This conference has always been an important gathering for the embedded community, bringing together experts and suppliers from across the globe together. It’s a fun three days, with many presentations, classes and networking opportunities that foster many new relationships and innovative ideas.

Last year, the conference attracted a total of 950 exhibitors and 27,000 visitors. Everspin also exhibited, and we had some very memorable moments. Our team had the opportunity to speak with various industry media outlets, including TechInsights, Embedded Computing Design and EE Times.

Everspin Announces Expansion of Industrial STT-MRAM Devices

Everspin Technologies announced today that it is expanding its flagship industrial, high-density STT-MRAM product family, the EMxxLX. The EMxxLX product, announced last year, is the highest-performing persistent memory available today. The product family is now equipped with a new 4Mb Capacity point , Smaller Footprint Package, and Extended Industrial Temperature Range of 105⁰C. Sanjeev Aggarwal, president, and CEO of Everspin Technologies, emphasized: "We are proud to announce the expansion of our EMxxLX MRAM product line, now featuring not only SRAM-like performance with low latency and the ability to maintain memory without requiring power but also an extended temperature range to cater to diverse environmental demands. With the addition of a 4Mb capacity option, our MRAM devices provide even more options to select the optimal density solutions. They continue to deliver extremely high endurance, remain compatible with other memory types, and offer ease of integration into customers’ designs."


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电话∶ +852-2357-1676


电邮∶ info@walasey.com.hk


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